6. Technical Resources

Actuarial, probability, and other non-programming backup.

Background on agg loss dists, SRMs, and useful references.

Probability and Risk Theory

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Discretizing Severity Distributions

There are two simple ways to discretize a continuous distribution.

  1. Approximate the distribution with a purely discrete distribution supported at points \(x_k=x_0+kb\), \(k=0,1,\dots, N\). Call \(b\) the bucket size. The discrete probabilities are \(p_k=P(x_k - b/2 < X \le x_k+b/2)\). To create a rv_histogram variable from xs and corresponding p values use:

    xss = np.sort(np.hstack((xs, xs + 1e-5)))
    pss = np.vstack((ps1, np.zeros_like(ps1))).reshape((-1,), order='F')[:-1]
    fz_discr = ss.rv_histogram((pss, xss))

The value 1e-5 just needs to be smaller than the resolution requested, i.e. do not “split the bucket”. Generally histograms will be downsampled, not upsampled, so this is not a restriction.

  1. Approximate the distribution with a continuous “histogram” distribution that is uniform on \((x_k, x_{k+1}]\). The discrete proababilities are \(p_k=P(x_k < X \le x_{k+1})\). To create a rv_histogram variable is much easier, just use:

    xs2 = np.hstack((xs, xs[-1] + xs[1]))
    fz_cts = ss.rv_histogram((ps2, xs2))

The first method we call discrete and the second histogram. The discrete method is appropriate when the distribution will be used and interpreted as fully discrete, which is the assumption the FFT method makes. The histogram method is useful if the distribution will be used to create a scipy.stats rv_histogram variable. If the historgram method is interpreted as discrete and if the mean is computed appropriately for a discrete variable as \(\sum_i p_k x_k\), then the mean will be under-estimated by \(b/2\).

Generalized Distributions

Fast Fourier Transforms

The FFT method is a miraculous technique for computing aggregate distributions. It is especially effective when the expected claim count is relatively small and the underlying severity distribution is bounded. These assumptions are true for many excess of loss reinsurance treaties, for example. Thus the FFT is very useful when quoting excess layers with annual aggregate deductibles or other variable features. The FFT provides a discrete approximation to the moment generating function.

To use the FFT method, first “bucket” (or quantize) the severity distribution into a density vector \(\text{x}=(x_1,\dots,x_{m})\) whose length \(m\) is a power of two \(m=2^n\). Here

\[\begin{split}\begin{gathered} x_i= \text{Pr}((i-1/2)b<X<(i+1/2)b)\\ x_1=\text{Pr}(X<b/2),\quad x_{m}=\text{Pr}(X>(m-1/2)b)\end{gathered}\end{split}\]

for some fixed \(b\). We call \(b\) the bucket size. Note \(\sum_i x_i=1\) by construction. The FFT of the \(m\times 1\) vector \(\text{x}\) is another \(m\times 1\) vector \(\hat{\text{x}}\) whose \(j\)th component is

\[\sum_{k=0}^{2^n-1} x_k\exp(2\pi ijk/2^n).\label{fft}\]

The coefficients of \(\hat{\text{x}}\) are complex numbers. It is also possible to express \(\hat{\text{x}}=\text{F}\text{x}\) where \(\text{F}\) is an appropriate matrix of complex roots of unity, so there is nothing inherently mysterious about a FFT. The trick is that there exists a very efficient algorithm for computing. Rather than taking time proportional to \(m^2\), as one would expect, it can be computed in time proportional to \(m\log(m)\). The difference between \(m\log(m)\) and \(m^2\) time is the difference between practically possible and practically impossible.

You can use the inverse FFT to recover \(\text{x}\) from its transform \(\hat{\text{x}}\). The inverse FFT is computed using the same equation as the FFT except there is a minus sign in the exponent and the result is divided by \(2^n\). Because the equation is essentially the same, the inversion process can also be computed in \(m\log(m)\) time.

The next step is magic in actuarial science. Remember that if \(N\) is a \(G\)-mixed Poisson and \(A=X_1+\cdots+X_N\) is an aggregate distribution then


Using FFTs you can replace the function \(M_X\) with the discrete approximation vector \(\hat{\text{x}}\) and compute

\[\hat{\text{a}}=M_G(n(\hat{\text{x}} -1))\]

component-by-component to get an approximation vector to the function \(M_A\). You can then use the inverse FFT to recover an discrete approximation \(\text{a}\) of \(A\) from \(\hat{\text{a}}\)! See Wang for more details.

Similar tricks are possible in two dimensions—see Press et al. and Homer and Clark for a discussion.

The FFT allows us to use the following very simple method to qualitatively approximate the density of an aggregate of dependent marginals \(X_1,\dots,X_n\) given a correlation matrix \(\Sigma\). First use the FFT method to compute the sum \(S'\) of the \(X_i\) as though they were independent. Let \(\text{Var}(S')=\sigma^{'2}\) and let \(\sigma^2\) be the variance of the sum of the \(X_i\) implied by \(\Sigma\). Next use the FFT to add a further “noise” random variable \(N\) to \(S'\) with mean zero and variance \(\sigma^2-\sigma^{'2}\). Two obvious choices for the distribution of \(N\) are normal or shifted lognormal. Then \(S'+N\) has the same mean and variance as the sum of the dependent variables \(X_i\). The range of possible choices for \(N\) highlights once again that knowing the marginals and correlation structure is not enough to determine the whole multivariate distribution. It is an interesting question whether all possible choices of \(N\) correspond to actual multivariate structures for the \(X_i\) and conversely whether all multivariate structures correspond to an \(N\). (It is easy to use MGFs to deconvolve \(N\) from the true sum using Fourier methods; the question is whether the resulting “distribution” is non-negative.)

Heckman and Meyers used Fourier transforms to compute aggregate distributions by numerically integrating the characteristic function. Direct inversion of the Fourier transform is also possible using FFTs. The application of FFTs is not completely straight forward because of certain aspects of the approximations involved. The details are very clearly explained in Menn and Rachev. Their method allows the use of FFTs to determine densities for distributions which have analytic MGFs but not densities—notably the class of stable distributions.

Frequency Distributions

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A random variable \(N\) is \(G\)-mixed Poisson if \(N\mid G\) has a Poisson \(nG\) distribution for some fixed non-negative \(n\) and a non-negative mixing distribution \(G\) with \(\text{E}(G)=1\). Let \(\text{Var}(G)=c\) (Glenn Meyers calls \(c\) the contagion) and let \(\text{E}(G^3)=g\).

The MGF of a \(G\)-mixed Poisson is

\[\label{mgfi} M_N(\zeta)=\text{E}(e^{\zeta N})=\text{E}(\text{E}(e^{\zeta N} \mid G))=\text{E}(e^{n G(e^\zeta-1)})=M_G(n(e^\zeta-1))\]

since \(M_G(\zeta):=\text{E}(e^{\zeta G})\) and the MGF of a Poisson with mean \(n\) is \(\exp(n(e^\zeta-1))\). Thus

\[\text{E}(N)=M_N'(0)=n M_G'(0)=n,\]

because \(\text{E}(G)=M_G'(0)=1\). Similarly

\[\text{E}(N^2)=M_N''(0)=n^2M_G''(0)+n M_G'(0)=n^2(1+c)+n\]

and so



\[\text{E}(N^3) = M_N'''(0) =n^3M_G'''(0)+3n^2M_G''(0)+n M_G'(0) = gn^3 + 3n^2(1+c) + n\]

and therefore the central moment

\[\text{E}(N-\text{E}(N))^3 = n^3(g -3c -1) + 3cn^2 + n.\]

We can also assume \(G\) has mean \(n\) and work directly with \(G\) rather than \(nG\), \(\text{E}(G)=1\). We will call both forms mixing distributions.

Interpretation of the Coefficient of Variation of the Mixing Distribution

Per Actuarial Geometry, if \(\nu\) is the CV of \(G\) then the \(\nu\) equals the asymptotic coefficient of variation for any \(G\)-mixed compound Poisson distribution whose variance exists. The variance will exist iff the variance of the severity term exists.

Gamma Mixing

A negative binomial is a gamma-mixed Poisson: if \(N \mid G\) is distributed as a Poisson with mean \(G\), and \(G\) has a gamma distribution, then the unconditional distribution of \(N\) is a negative binomial. A gamma distribution has a shape parameter \(a\) and a scale parameter \(\theta\) so that the density is proportional to \(x^{a-1}e^{x/\theta}\), \(\text{E}(G)=a\theta\) and \(\text{Var}(G)=a\theta^2\).

Let \(c=\text{Var}(G)=\nu^2\), so \(\nu\) is the coefficient of variation of the mixing distribution. Then

  • \(a\theta=1\) and \(a\theta^2=c\)

  • \(\theta=c=\nu^2\), \(a=1/c\)

The non-central moments of the gamma distribution are \(\text{E}(G^r)=\theta^r\Gamma(a+r)/\Gamma(a)\). Therefore \(Var(G) = a\theta^2\) and \(E(G-E(G))^3 = 2a\theta^3\). The skewness of \(G\) is \(\gamma = 2/\sqrt(a) = 2\nu\).

Applying the general formula for the third central moment of \(N\) we get an expression for the skewness

\[\text{skew}(N) = \frac{n^3(\gamma -3c -1) + n^2(3c+2) + n}{(n(1+cn))^{3/2}}.\]

The corresponding MGF of the gamma is \(M_G(\zeta) = (1-\theta\zeta)^{-a}\).

Shifted Mixing (General)

We can adjust the skewness of mixing with shifting. In addition to a target CV \(\nu\) assume a proportion \(f\) of claims are sure to occur. Use a mixing distribution \(G=f+G'\) such that

  • \(E(G)= f + E(G') = 1\) and

  • \(CV(G) = SD(G') = \nu\).

As \(f\) increases from 0 to 1 the skewness of \(G\) will increase. Delaporte first introduced this idea.

Since \(\text{skew}(G)=\text{skew}(G')\) we have \(g=\text{E}(G^3)=\nu^3 \text{skew}(G')+3c+1\).

Delaporte Mixing (Shifted Gamma)

Inputs are target CV \(\nu\) and proportion of certain claims \(f\), \(0\leq f \leq 1\). Find parameters \(f\), \(a\) and \(\theta\) for a shifted gamma \(G=f+G'\) with \(E(G')=1-f\) and \(SD(G')=\nu\) as

  • \(f\) is input

  • mean \(a\theta=1-s\) and \(CV=\nu=\sqrt{a}\theta\) so \(a=(1-f)^2/\nu^2=(1-f)^2/c\) and \(\theta=(1-f)/a\)

The skewness of \(G\) equals the skewness of \(G'\) equals \(2/\sqrt{a}= 2\nu/(1-f)\), which is then greater than the skewness \(2\nu\) when \(f=0\). The third non-central moment \(g=2\nu^4/(1-f)+3c+1\)

Poisson Inverse Gaussian Distribution

Bernoulli Distribution

Binomial Distribution

Fixed Distribution